tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:/posts Khader Adnan 2023-06-21T01:45:48Z tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/487988 2012-02-27T10:01:55Z 2023-06-21T01:45:48Z Thank you Hi.

 Thank you for being a such an inspiration for so many people around the world, including myself.

 People like you, and like your patient and strong family and friends are the ones who make this world a better place.

 I hope it resolves to opening peoples eyes, and making them undersant what kind of fight people like you fight every single day.

 You have my full support, and I pray to God everyday that you'll your life will be easier for you, and that God will help you through your every fight.

 Keep being the good person, and the people you are!

 Hope everything will get better. For you AND your family.

 May Allah bless you InshaAllah. 



 Souhaila. ]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488005 2012-02-25T05:21:35Z 2013-10-08T17:05:59Z Respect for you and your family Salaam Mr Khader Adnan   Please accept my sincere  hope for your full and speedy recovery.   I offer my profound respect for your courageous non-violent action to end the  egregious Israeli policy of administrative detention of which your action  made the world aware.   I also offer my respect to your wife and father who have heroically suffered alongside you.   yours respectfully and in soldarity   Dr Vacy Vlazna Justice for Palestine Matters www.palestinematters.com
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488016 2012-02-23T19:27:57Z 2013-10-08T17:05:59Z Simon from the UK Dear Khader Adnan and Family

Your struggle is an inspiration. You put the struggle in the UK (which does exist you may or not believe) into perspective. Free Palestine

Simon Furse]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488025 2012-02-23T19:11:00Z 2013-10-08T17:05:59Z SOLIDARITY MESSAGE FOR KHADER ADNAN
Hello Khader.
My name is April. I am a student and a supporter of the Palestinian cause. I am from Bristol, in England. I am aware of your recent and sustained suffering in administrative detention. I am totally astounded by your bravery and courage, please keep up the fight. I know that most people in the world support your cause, and the freedom of the Palestinians. You are in my thoughts, and in my prayers. I know you must be missing your family so much that it hurts, I am thinking of them as well. Your pain and the pain of your people must come to an end eventually, and supporters all around the world are working towards this. Please try your best to stay strong and keep fighting, you will soon be released, and the world will be so pleased. There are people who love and care for you, you are never doing anything alone.
My Best Wishes.
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488049 2012-02-23T19:01:10Z 2013-10-08T17:05:59Z Khader Adnan Assalamau Alaikhum.

I am from the Uk and I am so happy that a deal has been reached. I pray that you are released sooner than the date they have decided.
You are an icon and your name will always be remembered. You have great courage and by the power of Allah swt you were able to survive such an ordeal.
Allah swt is with you and you have been in my duas. Palestine is always in my duas.
Palestine one day will be free.

You are a courageous man and i respect you so much.
A true Palestinian.

Allah hu Akbar ]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488072 2012-02-23T18:55:00Z 2013-10-08T17:05:59Z In Solidarity Dear Khader and Family,

  We are all so pleased to see the result of your hunger strike! Huge amounts of respect must be payed to you for undergoing this odeal for the sake of highlighting Israel's opressive regime.

  In solidarity    ]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488111 2012-02-22T18:51:14Z 2013-10-08T17:06:00Z message of support to Khader Adnan and his family Khader Adnan and Family,

I am from vancouver,canada and i heard today that you would be released from prison on april 17th.That will be good news.I imagine your family will be happy about that.On the 18th of feb.i went to a rally here in vancouver in support of Khader Adnan.I also wrote a couple of letters to members of the israeli gov.protesting against this atrocity.
You shouldn't have been in prison to begin with.Administrative Detention reminds me of the policy that prime minister Margarite Thatcher of England had in the early 1980s against the irish people called Internment Without Trial.It was very brutal for the irish people.It is good that some former irish political prisoners sent you solidarity greetings.The people of Northern Ireland and Palestine got a lot in common.It is people like yourself that will make the necessary changes in Palestine.You got the support of the majority of people in the world.Keep up the good work.]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488133 2012-02-22T18:42:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:00Z Glad you are FREE!!!
So very,very glad to hear you are finally free!! May you and you family be happy from now on. Gramma Ellen
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488161 2012-02-22T17:33:07Z 2013-10-08T17:06:01Z happiness for you release Keep up Khader,you are a great man!]]> Benjamin Doherty tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488188 2012-02-22T16:02:32Z 2013-10-08T17:06:01Z Younis from Florida the United States Hey Khader Adnan Alhamdulilah you are ok. You were in my thoughts and prayers for as long as I knew of your detention. I'm very happy that you will now be able to raise your kids and be with your wife. You taught people everywhere that resisting foreign occupation is a possibility and that you don't have to give in to your oppressors. ]]> Benjamin Doherty tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488210 2012-02-22T15:41:54Z 2013-10-08T17:06:02Z GOOD LUCK MARHABA,
I am so happy for you, your wife and your daughter.
The network through the world helping Khader Adnan
worked very well, a lot of petitions, of demonstations in several cities in Europe (also in Paris !!!)
of articles in the newspaper (LE MONDE)
It is good...

Take care...go slowly, slowly....

Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488224 2012-02-22T15:30:43Z 2013-10-08T17:06:02Z Triumph Dear Sheikh Khader Adnan & Family,

Your selfless courage in the face of the brutal occupation is a human rights victory that will be forever remembered.

You, Khader along with your family championed dignity and human rights, you will remain as heroes to me.

Thank you and may you be blessed.

Kathleen Bates
Pittsburgh, PA  USA]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488249 2012-02-22T14:31:05Z 2013-10-08T17:06:02Z ALHUMDULILLAH!! Dear Khader,

It is great to hear that a deal has been reached. I hope every thing happens smoothly and you are released at the stipulated date or before it, INSHALLAH. I request Khader, his family and all readers to keep praying as God knows how many Khaders are in similar administrative detention. We all in Pakistan are very happy at the good news and hope to keep hearing good news from our beloved Palestine. We also hope and pray that we can play a better role for our brothers in Palestine than we have in the past. Please remember us in your prayers. 

JazakAllah Khair


Your Admirers in Pakistan
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488275 2012-02-22T14:28:38Z 2013-10-08T17:06:02Z WONDERFUL!!
  Wonderful is the news that Khader Adnan, husband and father and great human rights activist, has been released by tyrants and is able to live and love his family.

  Much love and respect from us in Canada.

  Marie Lloyd and family in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488299 2012-02-22T13:49:24Z 2013-10-08T17:06:03Z support for you Thinking of you.   Love   Gill from Birmingham  UK]]> Benjamin Doherty tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488338 2012-02-22T12:08:06Z 2013-10-08T17:06:03Z What u've done is speechless,yaa akhi Assalamu'alaikum.mashaallah,mashaallah.سبحان لله ,Allah has chosen u as the one who inspired all human on this earth.keep going,brother.my duaa is with u n ur family.ur action actually is not only for Palestine,but for all the world which has been dholim to else.
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488367 2012-02-22T10:05:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:04Z in solidarity Paul

Dear brother,
                     as a member of the Palestine Solidarirty Campaign I have heard to-day about your hunger-strike. The action you have taken to highlight the inhumane and illegal detention of Palestinians by the state of Israel is to be applauded. I hope your action raises the profile of this injustice across the world. My prayers go out to you to-day. May your courage bring justice for you and your fellow Palestinians. May you live through your ordeal and see the good resulting from your actions. May God bless you and keep you strong, yours in solidarity Paul (U.K.)

Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488392 2012-02-22T09:22:08Z 2013-10-08T17:06:04Z the struggle continues Khader Adnan, we are still working for your release and praying for your safety and speedy recovery to health. Just hold on, and keep your eyes on the prize!

For Khader Adnan's wife Randa, our thoughts and prayers are with you, your two daughters and the baby. May God give you peace of mind to take good care of your health and the baby despite everything that is going on. The kick must have been a sign, he/she should see his/her father alive. What the Israeli government is doing to you, your family and the unborn child is INHUMANE and CRIMINAL beyond words. Motherhood and childhood should be under special protection according to the human rights. May God give little Maali and Bissan good night's dreams, without nightmares of the terrifying things they have to witness because of the terrorizing occupation forces and policies.

For Khader Adnan's father, mother, brothers, sisters and other family members and friends:  we can only imagine the pain, suffering and worry you must be going through. May God be with you, too, and give you strength and determination! Truth will win in the end! The struggle against injustices is a just cause, and it must continue.

إذا الشعب يوما أراد الحياة
فلا بدّ أن يستجيب القدر
ولا بد لليل أن ينجلي
ولا بد للقيد أن ينكسر

With full solidarity from Finland,
Minna and Tiina
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488411 2012-02-22T09:17:11Z 2013-10-08T17:06:04Z Detention Dear Khader Adnan.
I am protesting against the injustice of your imprisonment without charge or trial and pray the the Court will free you on Thursday and that you will recover from this terrible ordeal and return to the suffering people who wait for you.
Edna Eguchi Read.
(In the last war my Japanese Father was taken to prison in the same way, I have never forgotten)]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/487976 2012-02-22T08:15:51Z 2013-10-08T17:05:58Z From Massachusetts, USA Dear Khader,

with love
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/487978 2012-02-21T23:49:00Z 2013-10-08T17:05:58Z "Your sixty-six days of power" by Sami Kishawi, from Chicago to the Gaza Strip

Khader Adnan, let it be known that it is your willpower, your courage, and your determination to defy injustice that has sparked Palestine's beacon of hope. Very few people can move the world the way you've done and the fact that you've done it all, selflessly of course, for a people deprived of their human rights and self-sovereignty makes you all the more spectacular. You are a role model and if I could do just one percent of what you've accomplished, I would be content with myself.

I will take the liberty of speaking on behalf of myself, my community, my city, and my people and say that you, Khader Adnan, will forever be recognized as a primary reason for the collapse of the occupation and an end to the apartheid and racism on which Israel has institutionalized its very existence. With the grace of God, your sixty-six days of power have proven to be stronger than anything Israel could literally and figuratively throw at you. You are a living symbol of just how strong the Palestinian composure truly is.

I hope to meet you one day. In a free Palestine, we will cross paths and I will shake your hand with gratitude for managing to revive in me a sense of hope for Palestine. Thank you, and thank your wife, your family, and your friends for teaching us how to appreciate our heroes.

Sami Kishawi, from Chicago to the Gaza Strip

Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/487980 2012-02-21T22:34:00Z 2013-10-08T17:05:58Z thinking of you

Dear Khader so many people are aware of your brave stance – I hope your strength lasts until your appeal is listened to by the Israeli government.


Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/487998 2012-02-21T21:48:14Z 2013-10-08T17:05:59Z Thinking of you You stopped eating for the sake of mama Palestine ! please, start eating for the sake of your dear mum ! You are already a winner :)
May Allah save you and give you strength.


Sent from my iPhone]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488026 2012-02-21T20:32:00Z 2013-10-08T17:05:59Z Wishing a Best Recovery for you our Hero

Okay, I want to go to Palestine and wait in the line to shake Khader Adnan's hand next summer. I’ve never touched such greatness. I want to see him with my own eyes. He’s the reason for the new compassion for the Palestinian cause. I want to shower his new baby with hearts and presents. Want to smile at his wife. Want to hear his daughters laugh.

Jenn Thomas
-Maine, USA

Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488051 2012-02-21T20:24:00Z 2013-10-08T17:05:59Z from a Palestinian American

Brother Khader,

I want you to know that your non-violent act of refusing food has given more attention to the plight of thousands of your brothers and sisters who are political prisoners who are never charged and spend much of their lives in jail. You did not suffer in vain. You bring pride to Palestinians all over the world. Your act is an act of courage and dignity. I will pray for you, your family, for all of our brothers and sisters in jail, and for a free Palestine.

الله معك يا أخي


A Palestinian-American

Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488083 2012-02-21T20:09:05Z 2013-10-08T17:06:00Z Khader Adnan Asalaam Alaikam

I hope my message reaches you with peace and blessings, you are a very strong man. May Allah grant you jannat al firdaws. I'm so happy to hear you are now safe and eating subhanAllah. We are all behind you!
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488106 2012-02-21T20:08:00Z 2013-10-08T17:06:00Z Stand Strong

To the Adnan Family,

your struggle has proven that there is justice. There is justice even when it seems smaller than a speck of sand swirling around in the air. Yor steadfastness, determination and will to show the world that Palestine is well & alive. You chose the path of non-violence and you won. You chose the hardest path in the face of occupation and discrimination- but your path led you to victory.

I hope to see many more victories for Palestine as you have embodied Khader. I hope to see all Palestinians, young & old stand up and take the path of non-violence, because in the end it will be the peaceful that will win this fight.

I am sending all my love, from the bottom of my heart to your entire family and to all of Palestine. In Palestine hope is the first to fight and the last to die, and you khader have shown that hope & determination are the beating heart of Palestine.

Much love, hugs, and kisses for all of Palestine.

Tonight the stars shine just for you.

Ania Ferensowicz

Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488134 2012-02-21T19:07:06Z 2013-10-08T17:06:00Z خضر عدنان شكرا خضر عدنان شكر لصمودك اعدت لنا كرامة غابت لسنين طويلة والاهم عادت فلسطين لنشرات الاخبار

  محمد حوسه - لاجئ ]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488164 2012-02-21T18:16:51Z 2013-10-08T17:06:01Z Judith Joy, Skipton, UK Dear Khader Adnan,

I have seen the picture of your wife with your two daughters and marvel at the strength of a man ready to sacrifice so much of his life for the Palestinian cause. I hope even the Israeli authorities will see the strength of your sacrifice and the effect it will have world wide and I pray they will relent and restore you to your wife and family or place a charge against you. I follow the reports of the Machsom Watch women and see clearly the despicable behaviour of the government of Israel, a country I once supported. I now support Palestine, your country and you Mr. Adnan and work for the rights Israel denies you.

With my sincere support and hope for your future,

Judith Joy.]]>
Benjamin Doherty
tag:khaderadnan.posthaven.com,2013:Post/488177 2012-02-21T17:56:01Z 2013-10-08T17:06:01Z Message to Khader Adnan from Austria Dear Khader, My message will only tell you, that you are the best known man also here in far away Austria. And me and my Pax Christi friends are very proud of your non-violant  resistance. We keep you in our hearts and pray to God/Allah to be at your side and give you strenght and hope  Yours from Austria, Gerhilde Merz ]]> Benjamin Doherty