A letter to Khader Adnan from Dalia Ghorab


Good morning Khader ..

I woke up this morning, unlike every morning i didnt head to kitchen to make my coffee, I just switched on my laptop to check news about Khader Adnan .. thank God .. you are still alive. I got an invitation on Facebook page .. " send a solidarity letters to #KhaderAdnan " .. even though i think about your case much I feel like i don't have much to say .. I feel humbled in front of all that you have been doing. 

Last night I ended up 6 days of hunger strike, those 6 days were horrible .. horrible !! how tiny I am

comparing what i'v done to what you have done and still doing. freedom is priceless

you are a free man in jail. you are more free than any one of us. you taught me, and inspired me.

people like you Adnan will never die. Stay strong and may you return safe and sound to your family very soon, your death is unacceptable, this world needs more of you.. more of Khader Adnan.

Regards .. Dalia