Message of Solidarity

Dear Khader,

We of Tower Hamlets Jenin Friendship Association send this message of solidarity to you with heavy hearts. We applaud the bravery and self-sacrifice you have shown in undertaking your hunger strike. We want to let you know that your pain has not gone unnoticed - we feel for your pain, pain you have chosen to bear only when the alternative was torture and imprisonment inflicted by the cruel Occupiers without mercy and without reason.

We want to let you know that your actions have had a huge effect and the issue of administrative detention has received the attention of the media in a way previously impossible. What you are doing on behalf of all Palestinians is noble and will make a difference.

However, we will join with you in our small way and not rest until Palestinians are given their dignity, given their human rights and attain their freedom. You have brought that day closer with your incredible courage.

In solidarity,
Caroline (on behalf of Tower Hamlets Jenin Friendship Association)