Peace, love and Prayers from Chicago

Dear Amo Khader,


No amount of words can describe your courage, steadfastness and resilience. You are an inspiration to us all. The overwhelming love and aching for you and your family have and will always reside in my heart. You have given us all the strength that we need; you have given us dignity and shown the world that no amount of Israeli cruelty can take that away from you! Your steadfastness is moving mountains.


لا اله الا هو عليه توكلت و هو رب العرش العظيم ما شالء الله كان و ما لم يشا لم يكن اشهد ان الله علی كل شیء   قدير و ان الله قد احاط بكل شیء علما اللهم اني اعوذ بك من شر نفس و من شر كل دابة انت اخذ بناصيتها ان ربی علی صراط مستقيم


Peace, Love and lots of Prayers from Chicago


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