
Dear Khader Adnan and family

You restore faith in humanity. Justice will prevail.

Yours in Solidarity
Mark Mattock


Everyday I wake up, the first thing I do is check on your status on Twitter. I so appreciate all that you are doing for the sake of Palestine. To the world, you represent a large majority of Palestinian prisoners, that before you had no voice, and you have given them one. Your creator is proud,Palestine is proud. Your memory will live forever in our hearts and your struggle will be honored in our every intifida until Palestine is free. WE LOVE YOU. GO IN PEACE MY BROTHER

My salutations

Dear Mr. Adnan and your family,

You are a great deal of inspiration for me. The resistance lives through you, in this world and in the next insha Allah. Jazakum Allahu Kheir. You are a shining star that does not dim in the face of injustice nor evil. Thank Hajj Khader for your strength and the lesson you have given man kind. 

Asalaamhyu Alakium wa rahmutAllah wa barakthu,
Amir Ragab Hamdoun

للمجاهد خضر عدنان

أسأل الله تعالى أن يعينك ويعجل فك أسرك ويتقبل منك كل ما احتملته من عذاب ومشقة وأن يكافئك برفقة حبيبه المصطفى في الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة.

مع تحياتي Sent from my iPhone

Solidarity greetings

Dear Khader Adnan,   Our group wishes to extend our solidarity, our admiration for your bravery and dignity and our deep regret that we cannot force the Israeli Government to respect your basic human rights.  We stood yesterday for over an hour at the Embassy of Israel in Vienna with our posters and protests. 

We hold you and your family in our hearts.
with great respect,
Women in Black (Vienna)

Leila Saleh from Lebanon


I only have respect, admiration and support for you and your family. You fight has become our fight and we will not let you down. We will do all we can to see you free, healthy. Because your children have every right to have a father. We, in Lebanon, will not let you fail.


Khader Adnan from Geoff and Carol Jackson in Wales, UK

Dear Mr. Khader,

My wife and I have just learned about you and your struggle against the lawless and inhuman behaviour of Israel towards anything and anybody connected with Palestine .  Since Operation Cast Lead in Gaza and the standing ovations given to Benjamin Netanyatu in the USA they see at last that they can do what they like and there will be no come-back;  they do not care that they are seen internationally as an apartheid State run by war criminals.  However your sacrifice will not be in vain:  it is drawing the attention of the whole world to the injustice meted out by Israel.  May God bless you and your family.

Geoff and Carol Jackson


Dear mister Khader Adnan,

I follow your imprisonment with concern, expecting bad news any moment now. 
I respect your dedication and sumud. 
I support your struggle for dignity and equal rights for all people, as  Shahd Abusalama who wrote on 21 January in his blog about you:

Every Palestinian is convicted to a life of uncertainty without having to commit a crime. Being a Palestinian is our only offense.

With my deepest respect,

Mieke Zagt

Your Young Egyptian Brother ... Muaz

My Brother Khader <3 <3 <3

After Intro , First Have to Say sorry , in name of me and all Egyptian if we were not there for you , to defend for you and all Palestine People , our brothers and sisters

secondly, we all are sure that you are a great person , It is difficult to explain briefly in words how we feel about what you are going through at the moment 

If I can say i can do some thing excellent , it will be that i will pray for you and your family and to all Prisoners 

sorry for my bad English , i think no language can help me to deliver my feelings to you brother and your great family 

We won't give up 

Freedom to Palestine ... Freedom to Palestine  ... Freedom to Palestine <3


A letter to Khader Adnan and his family:
It is you and the people like you who make us proud to be Arabs, it is you who give us hope in life, it is you who teach us what 'on this Earth what is worth living' means..the Love for Palestine grows more and more with people like you..