To Khader Adnan, from Strasbourg, France

Dear Khader,

let me first say: I want you to live! But, if the israeli tortionaires let you die, this means they kill you!
Today I, living in the peacefull city of Strasbourg, France,  want to tell you that I am with you, and
with your dear family, wife, children and parents.
If Israel will kill you, you anyway will go on living in all our hearts, in the hearts of peace- and justice
loving people all over the world,
Those who let you die in prison, never will live in peace, their culpability and responsability will last
on them forever .

Günter Schenk
1a rue des Aveugles
67000 Strasbourg
- membre du Collectif Judéo-Arabe et Citoyen pour la Paix, Strasbourg

Day 62

Dear Khader:

I saw a lovely photo on the internet today of your wife and two young children walking to the hospital to visit you and it prompted me to send a message to you. It is difficult to explain briefly in words how I feel about what you are going through at the moment - inspirational and unselfish - on behalf of your people and your country. I so admire that strength and commitment - so please know that millions of us are with you in spirit and my thoughts are just a drop in the ocean that hopes to ease the pain and suffering you must be going through, along with your friends and family.

With very best wishes.

PT (British in Thailand)

In Solidarity, thank you

Dear Khader Adnan & Family,
Your courage and strength gives us hope, and it fuels us to do more actions and bring more awareness to the Palestinian plight, and to the unjust systems by the Israeli Apartheid State. We thank you for inspiring us to do more, and for Israeli Apartheid Week we're going to have a whole campaign dedicated to you and the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners unjustly in prison. We admire your courage, and your steadfastness. Stay strong my friend, stay strong family of Khader Adnan. He is a hero, he is an inspiration, he is love. 

One Love & Solidarity,
Students for Justice in Palestine- University of New Mexico

Kimberley Davidson, Edinburgh, Scotland

I'm writing this on my way to work with a heavy heart. Today I seen a picture of your family. Your Dad, your wife and your children. I cannot imagine what they are going through. A deep sense of pride must fill their hearts to know such a couragous man but also pain in watching you go through this. There is so much injustice in this world and I have so much love, respect and admiration for you for making a stand against this. Today I am going to tell every person I meet about Khader Adnan, 62 days on hunger strike. Your name will remain in so many peoples hearts and minds.

We won't give up.

Allah Hafiz
Kimberley x

Solidarity from Arizona

Asalaamu Alaikum Khader,
Thank you for your strength, courage, patience and steadfastness amidst an unjust system controlled by tyrants. You make me proud to be a Palestinian, and you are an inspiration to all when it comes to taking action. I pray you will be released soon and united with your family and loved ones. We will continue to fight for you and recall your struggle in our quest to remain human and defeat the occupation. Inna Allah ma3 ilsabireen-God is with those who are patient.

In Solidarity

Salaam Khader,
To hunger for freedom is to be human
To hunger for justice is to be righteous
To for the rights of all is compassionate

We are with you in your struggle for dignity
We are in awe of your strength and the strength of your family
We are ashamed we cannot do more to support you

From Felice in the USA

From Sandra in New Zealand

Dear Khader Adnan and family...

I want to tell you you are my Hero

But your not just my Hero

You have become the Hero of many from around the world.

You courage, your dignity, your determination

Is awe inpiring...

And for many many years to come

Your name will be whispered on the breeze

And rustle through the leaves of the olive trees

And be an inspiration for Palestinians

Born now and yet to be

Indeed an inspiration for all who struggle for freedom

From oppessive regimes...

♥ ♥♥

Thank you


Actions speak louder than words.  Your commitment to justice and your efforts to bring attention to the crimes being committed by the Israeli government serve a greater purpose which you are clearly aware of. Held without charges or trial.  How many others are in the same circumstance?   Thank you for being such an incredible example.  I hope you are writing down what you are thinking and feeling as you continue on this fast.  You have entered a world that most do not know.  Clearly what is sustaining you is  the spirit of what you stand for.  Justice and accountability.  Know many are with you in spirit. 

Athens Ohio

à khader adnan et sa famille

De la Tunisie je vous espère le courage et la force.
Je suis fière du Palestinien Khader Adnan, modèle de résistance,de fidélité et surtout de détermination et patience. Fière de l'Arabe khader Adnan qui combat encore malgré notre trahison, silence et faiblesse. Khader Adnan vous êtes le seul libre parmi nous et je vous le jure nous sommes les prisonniers et nous les resterons à vie si vous partirez!!
Dieu avec vous, vous protège et vous sauve. 
A votre famille mes sincères salutations et respect.
Vous faites vraiment l'épreuve du bravoure et de la profonde croyance. Chanceux d’être fils,filles, femme de ce grand militant!
Que dieu vous aide. Inchallah il sera de nouveau parmi vous rompant ce silence mortel et remportant avec ses sacrifices l'honneur Palestinien.