Rachelle Marshall, Mill Valley, Calif.

Dear Randa Adnan,

I cannot adequately express the admiration I feel for you and your husband, nor can I imagine the suffering all of you are enduring. What I can do is thank you from the bottom of my heart for reminding the world that no amount of cruelty or oppression can rob the dignity of a single brave human being. Your husband has set an example of courage and steadfastness for human beings everywhere. His name will continue to be an inspiration long after his oppressors are gone.

Sincerely, Rachelle Marshall

Simone McDonnell, Australia

Dear Khader and Randa


I do not want you to die. I want you to live Khader. I am tired of the innocent victims of Israeli atrocities dying.

But I understand that you might die, I understand why, and I honor your actions and your fight, with millions of others. Within the tragedy and the momentous grief that your sacrifice manifests, there is a fresh hope of salvation. Not only of your own, but of the salvaging of struggles,the giving of fire and courage to others, the renewal of rage, of desire and commitment to see an end to the terror that daily savages an entire people.

I do not want you to die Khader. You have re-told, re-imagined, revitalised the story of Palestine and in so doing have reminded us all of the infinite value of the life of one person. The life of one Palestinian man, and because of you, the lives of all Palestinians. And now we are all awakened again to the beauty, the pain, the terror, the love, the chaos, joy, torture and hope and all other manifold realities and potential in your life and the lives of all Palestinians. We want you to live Khader.

But if you do not live Khader, we shall love and cherish you forever. And those of us, not as courageous as you will seek you out in the struggles ahead. We will seek out your memory forever more, to steel us to fight in your name, which is now the name of justice and hope.


I do not want your Husband to die. I want him to live to come home to you and your daughters on this day and every day that meets you in the years ahead. I do not want those vultures to take another life away from a mother, sister, daughter, son, father. I do not want you to suffer the anguish and grief that must accompany this tragedy, whilst the perpetrators of this crime against Khader, and you and your daughters, sleep soundly in their beds at night.

It is not fair. It is monstrously unfair.

In honoring Khader, myself and millions of others, honor you Randa, and we suffer with you. Your suffering is unique, but you do not walk this path alone.

I hope that Khader lives Randa. But whether he does, or does not, the heart of Palestine beats ever more loudly in the soul of the world, because of your fight and the fight of Khader Adnan.

In solidarity and with love

Simone McDonnell

Joyce in Orlando, Florida USA

Dear Khader Adran and Randa, Ma'ali, Bissam, and Baby Adnan...

Your strength of character is a beacon for humanity.

You rise far above all who try to silence you.

You inspire all who have the open eyes, open minds, and open hearts to recognize your sacrifice.

We will carry on the struggle with you as a guiding light.

Sanna, London

Dear Khader Adnan and family,

Asalamo alaykom, I hope you receive this letter in the best of health inshaAllah. My brother, you have shown such courage, you are a true hero not just to the Palestinians but to the whole of humanity. I pray everyday that Palestine will be free one day…and that I can live to see that day. We have the same dream, the same goal. With the help and guidance of Allah swt we will achieve it. I wish you and your family all the best, we all are praying for and thinking about you. May Allah accept your dua’s and give your family sabr during these hard times. Never give up, we all are with you in spirit. InshaAllah you will gain freedom and justice for your people. Long live Falasteen.

Your sister,


from jen in palestine

dear Khader, dear Randa, and dear family,

I have no words to express how I am touched, how I feel humble, how I feel that your act, your hunger strike is making a difference, that you’ve made a difference, words would reduce your act to something tangible, rational, yet it is not, it is beyond that … for me, you are more worthy of the name Gandhi than Gandhi himself …
may God bless you, and may God bless your loved ones …

from jen with love

Letter of solidarity

Greetings and I hope this letter can be a little ray of light to whoever maybe reading it, I would like you to know in the current situation times will probably be more hard than I will ever understand and even though I will most likely never meet a member of khader adnans family i will keep you in my heart as extended members of my human family for the rest of time. I love you all very much and I wish for you to always know that someone even half way round the world loves you unconditonally and will continue to until i leave this life. peace salaam and much love and light. Akir.

St Louis, Missouri USA

To all the family of Sheikh Khader Adnan,

Your steadfastness is an inspiration to us all. To Sheikh Khader, I can not thank you enough for the lessons you have given all of us. Your resistance is a gift to all Palestinians and all who struggle against injustice. May peace be yours.