from Marcia Greer

You are a very brave man to make this statement that needs to be heard by the world. Your reported treatment from arrest to an untried "detention", smacks of what one would read from The Dictator's Handbook. I commend you on your peaceful resistance and wish you all the love in the world. Because of you, more people are paying attention to the issues of the Palestinian people. White light to you and yours. Know that we here, in America, are now listening. More than ever.

from Marisa Conte

I am very moved by Sheik Khader Adnan and his family's dignity. They are an inspiration for all of us and for all those who trust in human beings' rights. I would like to send them a simple hug, together with my sencere respect. I strongly believe that such a meaningful life and determination will lead all Palestinians to freedom. I am staying by your side with much love. Sheik Khader Adnan, you daughter will grow up very proud of you. Thank you for having teached me how to live.

from family of late Irish hunger striker Francis Hughes

In 1981, after 59 days on Hunger Strike, Francis Hughes, 25, died in the H Blocks. His cousin, Thomas McElwee, 33, also died on Hunger Strike after 61 days.
Today as Khader Adnan entered his 60th day on Hunger Strike, Francis Hughes brother Oliver, sends a message of support and solidarity to Khader.

Recorded Feb 14th, 2012

Bellaghy, Ireland