from Haneen

Dear Khader Adnan

 You are a strong and brave soul! May Allah give you strength.  In my opinion you are a great hero and will remain one! You represent us Palestinians and show how strong we are and no matter what the rest of the world says we will fight till we get our land back!  You and your family are in my prayers! I hope to see you free and with your family soon!  God Bless you!

Sincerely Haneen

from Margaret Pereira

Dear Khader Ednan,iḿ from Brazil.I solidsry with you and the palestinian people.I hope you stop the hunger.Becos every time i think about you;i think about your litle daghter.The world with you.You is not alone,allah bless you.salaam...

from Kathleen

Dear Khader,

You are a hero to many of us. Your family are heroes to me too. I pray for your release and your recovery. I am grateful for your brave and selfless fast, in highlighting the injustice done to you and to many others. You carry a light in you, and for all of us that are hoping and praying for you, you have helped us carry the light too. Sending love and solidarity and strength.


Solidarity Letter

Salaam Khader,

Writing to you in solidarity, and wishing for your safe release. I am
hoping for a day when the unjust prison system in Israel, across the
United States, and throughout the world is dismantled.



Solidarity from Students in Glasgow, Scotland

Dear Khader Adnar,

We, students in Glasgow,, Scotland from the Palestine Societies at Glasgow Caledonian University and the University of Glasgow held a vigil action on Tuesday 14th February joining others around the world in a day of solidarity with you in your brave struggle on behalf of your fellow prisoners against the occupier and it's apartheid system. Your brave fight, although shamefully slowly, has now reached UK media and the the facade of liberal democracy Israel uses to hide it's true and ugly apartheid reality has suffered another crack due to your actions.

We salute your sumud and your bravery which personify the heroic resistance of the people of Palestine, and we sincerely hope you and your family know you are not alone, Palestine is not alone and take some small comfort in the knowledge that here in Scotland, in the north of the old evil empire that cursed Palestine with Balfour, support for the Palestinian rights of freedom, equality and return is solid. You and Palestine in general are a source of inspiration to us and people all over the world who at a time of Western capitalism's meltdown are facing injustice like never before.

Next week, students in over 20 universities in the UK will be doing in actions and events to mark the 8th international Israeli Apartheid Week and core to that will be the issue of Khader Adnan and Israel's draconian use of 'administrative detention' and the aim of these activities is to challenge Israeli economic and financial interests with the tools given to us by the campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against the racist, apartheid State of Israel. Again, we hope this offers some small comfort and thank you for being a true inspiration to us and people across the world fighting oppression and injustice in it's many forms, you are a hero, you are a giant, you are Palestine.

Glasgow Caledonian University Palestine Society
University of Glasgow Palestine Society

(Both part of the Federation of Student Palestine Societies)

You Are the One

Dearest Khader Adnan,

I sit here, sobbing at my desk, doubled over from the pain, crying with a swollen sea of awe for you, and harder than I have ever cried in my life. Even my 12 year-old son is crying with me...and for a long while tonight we held each other's hands tight and wept for you together, my boy and I, as we watched the French music video which has been dedicated to you. Neither of us can speak French, but we didn't need to speak it in order to comprehend, to weep, as one human vessel of Love after another gathered up the precious Palestinian flag from the street where it had fallen, and began again to run towards the Monster with the gun. Fearless, resolute, these martyrs, even as the freedom fighter before him had been gunned down in cold blood by that IOF madman, none ever hesitated, none ever questioned that they would give their very lives to see justice and dignity and peace and freedom and all that stolen land returned to Palestine. 

And so it is with you, Khader Adnan, so it is with you, your courage, for which there is no descriptor magnificent enough, your sacred, shining, beloved, God-kissed spirit, for you have gathered up this whole broken world in your arms and held it close to your heart, and taught us what it means to fight hatred with Love, and in your emblazoned eyes I imagine that the reflection of Mohammad himself is glistening, for you are The One, and through you forever flows a Strength sufficient to rend a thousand Israels into the dust. 

So please, please feel in the deepest marrow of your Being, Khader Adnan, that you are Loved beyond any Love to come before, and that this price you are paying is not in vain. For there will be a thousand more, and a thousand more thereafter, to gather up your indomitable spirit, cradled within the inviolable, blessed Flag of Palestine, and oh, how you'll run like the unstoppable, invincible wind towards the Zionist oppressor until it falls, crumbles, collapses in upon its own evil like the House of Usher, It is You who will lead the world to witness the glorious death of the Apartheid wall and the silent cloud of hate and dirt which once was Israel. I salute you, Khader Adnan, and I thank Allah for the wonder of you, and I send the enduring energies of Grace and Comfort and Strength to your amazing and beautiful family, and I smile through my tears as I pray...

With immeasurable admiration,

Hillary Hays

Spring Green, Wisconsin, USA



Salam Aboulhassan. Michigan-USA

Khader Adnan,

My prayers are with you and your family. You define courage. What you are fighting will never be forgotten, I myself will never forget you or your plight. Never give up, your struggle gives people around the world a purpose, an example of how one person can alone fight injustice. God willing, you will be free. Your name has been heard around the world, and I for one can guarantee your name will be heard to the following generations. Be strong, keep fighting. You inspire me. Salam Aboulhassan