رسالة تضامن من لبنان

كما هزمنا العدو الصهيوني في لبنان، فنصر الشعب الفلسطيني على هذا الكيان الغاصب أصبح قريباً جداً. اصبروا وليكن الله دائماً معكم،إن خضر قد أصبح رمزاً للتضحية والشرف فيلام العربية، ونحن نصلي له كل يوم و نتمنى له كل خيرٍ و لعائلته الكريمة. هو قد رفع رأس هذه الأمة عالياً.

from Anastasia Jean K

Sending prayers support to you and your family. You are truly a hero for the Palestinian people. may God bless you and may you be freed soon. So sorry social media has failed so far to hasten your release. We will keep trying. In solidarity from the US.


I lack the words to convey the emotion your story stirs in me. Your strength and courage are mightier than any oppressive state could ever be and you are inspiring the movement that will bring about justice. Aisha Phoenix

Khader Adnan solidarity message: Because one man can make a difference

Dear Khader Adnan

Although I feel now words can do you justice, I will try...I've followed your hunger strike from very early on and every day I’m astounded by your courage and willpower. Everyday I switch on my laptop and check to see how you’re doing holding my breath – just hoping you’re okay. Oppression and occupation is what you faced and still do yet you carry on resisting. You've shown us what it means to truly fight for justice, your determination and strength is an unforgettable message.. Over two months since you first began your hunger strike I imagine you must be weak and most likely in pain by now, yet you carry on going hungry for justice.

I have nothing to give you Mr Adnan but my solidarity; my respect; my admiration and my prayers. I pray you may see your family again, I pray that you may hold your two girls again. As Israel does
nothing but take away your rights; you have shown the world that your dignity and willingness to die for freedom is something Israel can never take away. You've inspired and have
given hope to non-Palestinians’ and Palestinians’ alike..You’ve shed light on the many detainees like your self that we may never know of. Khader Adnan you’re an inspiration to the world, I don’t know you and may never get to know you - but I will never forget you.

 My prayers and thoughts with you and your family - from a Yemeniya... Muna

“Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery.”

To Khader Adnan & Randa

Dear Khader and Randa,
  As Jewish Americans we send our greetings and express our solidarity to you and the family.  We have protested the treatment of Khader to Israeli officials, and demanded his immediate release.  We hope that Khader will survive,  his name will always be remembered as a hero of the struggle against Israeli occupation. 
     Murray & Marcia Bernstein  Brooklyn  New York  USA 

in Solidarity

Palestinians are fighters, heroes, your resilience and resistance and fight against the cruelty, racism and injustice of the occupier! Your story, I will tell my kids in the future, it should be taught in schools! Khader Adnan, you are a true Palestinian Hero! May God give you the patience to continue your pursuit! Our prayers and thoughts go to you! A true palestinian hero

from Mariam Al-Sheikh

Dear Khader Adnan.

Never have i seen a person with such courage, determination, commitment and most importantly dignity throughout my 
short years of life.
I struggle to find words to explain how we are all feeling right now, watching you survive 61 days of hunger strike.
People couldn't believe me when i told them your story.

The truth is Mr.Khader you are a hero! 
What you have done has inspired us all to stand up for our rights and the rights of our fellow "humans" no matter what 
the price. It is truly remarkable that you are putting your life at risk for the sake of the palestinian people and for the sake of 
all those who are misfortunate in this world.

We want you to know that we are proud of you and watching you like that, knowing that we can't do much hurts us deeply.
But we can only pray and hope that you'll go back to where you belong. Safe and sound.

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family who must be suffering through this ordeal.

God bless you.


To Khader with love

Khader, no words can describe your courage, dignity and love for life – a dignified life. You are a true leader and hero and with your frail body and unbreakable will, you have already defeated apartheid Israel.

from Fatima Bhorat

Assalaamu Alaikum

Sheikh Khader and Family

I pray to Allah as the sun rises, and when it sets. I pray to Allah for you Sheikh Khader and your family.

You might be miles away but you are constantly in my prayers.

Freedom will come Inshallah!

Please pray for me.

Ma'as Salaam