
I watch helpless, as the minutes and seconds tick by while you fight with every breath against the tyranny of this zionist system.
I can only apologise that "we" on social media failed you. I promise you we will keep going - and never surrender.
You have given pride and dignity back to palestinians... and reminded all that 1 man can make a difference.
....And to your family, my words fail me - so i will quote irish hunger striker Bobby Sands ...

Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.”

from Adnan Ahmed

You truly have been brave brother against the actions of the Israeli Administration as they sit back and cant work out what to do, but want to remain looking strong. You have stood up to the unlawful detentions, torture and abuse those who came before you have faced. Even if the media wish to not provide any coverage to this, it will expose their inaction also. Viva La Falaasteen...may Allah grant you and those like you and your families, Sabr during these difficult times.

Israel will need to step in before they have a death on their hands...but it seems they would much prefer it, and try and talk their way around whatever happens...

message to Khader

Dear Khader Adnan

From the bottom of the world in little New Zealand, our hearts are
with you, your family and the Palestinian struggle for sovereignty and
dignity. Your lack of compromise is nothing short of inspiring. Please
be sure that you are remembered now, and forever, as is Palestine.

Palestine is forever in our hearts and together we will continue the
fight for justice.

Peace without justice is not peace. Rabena ma3akom.

Love from


from Zoë Lawlor

Khader Adnan, your humanity shines so brightly, especially in the face of Israel's utter inhumanity. Your soul is beautiful and free, your struggle for justice is an inspiration - they will never break your spirit. We are with you. Kulna Khader. Much respect, solidarity and love. Zoe

from Monique Buckner

What you have done is truly courageous. You have struck a huge blow to Israeli apartheid and the occupation with your body and your dignity. We want you to live and we worry about your condition. We are writing to our representatives who give us irrefutable proof that they are complicit in your oppression and the destruction of Palestine. May your family be strong during this really awful time. We stand with you and your people.